Discover detailed obituaries, access complete funeral service information, and. Sandra kaye miller, 62, of salem, mo, passed away peacefully at home on. Celebrate the beauty of life by recording your favorite memories or sharing meaningful. Send flowers to james & gahr mortuaries in salem, missouri. Plus info on funeral services, obituaries, address / directions, & planning.
Celebrate the beauty of life by recording your favorite memories or sharing meaningful. Send flowers to james & gahr mortuaries in salem, missouri. Plus info on funeral services, obituaries, address / directions, & planning. View salem obituaries on legacy, the most timely and comprehensive collection of local obituaries for salem, missouri, updated regularly throughout the day with submissions. Order funeral flowers, view contact info, obituaries, funeral service info, etc. Funeral service for michael wallace was october 30, 2023 at james & gahr mortuary chapel, salem. Interment was in the north lawn cemetery.
View salem obituaries on legacy, the most timely and comprehensive collection of local obituaries for salem, missouri, updated regularly throughout the day with submissions. Order funeral flowers, view contact info, obituaries, funeral service info, etc. Funeral service for michael wallace was october 30, 2023 at james & gahr mortuary chapel, salem. Interment was in the north lawn cemetery.
Funeral service for michael wallace was october 30, 2023 at james & gahr mortuary chapel, salem. Interment was in the north lawn cemetery.
Interment was in the north lawn cemetery.
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